Friday, March 22, 2013

Sapphire Screens

So turns out that a lot of people crack their phone screens. I know shocker... But anyway there apparently is a solution coming out to future phones. Smartphone will have a screen that is part sapphire. Yes the emerald sapphire it is said to make screens almost indestructible. This is said to make the life of a phone a lot longer. The big question is though how much will this cost well only time can tell.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


The Yotaphone nothing like your original smartphones. This is something that who knows how long till iPhones or Samsung Galaxies will be featuring in one of their phones. What this special feature is,is having two screens on the phone. one on the front and one on the back. This phone is suppose to be truly ground breaking.

Friday, March 1, 2013

If I Could Go Back

If I can time travel I would go back in time and steal the idea of Microsoft from Bill Gates. If its not clear why  I would do this it is so I could be a billionaire. Then I would be looked at like some kind of god just like Bill. I would obviously find out everything of how he made microsft what it is today. So not only will I be the maker of Microsoft but I will make it up to what it currently is today so it can be absolutely ground breaking. I will love it cause I would be looked at like a genius.